Consultation between doctor and patient

Services for professionals

Compassana Med

The Compassana ecosystem offers smart services to healthcare professionals via its digital platform. We call this Compassana Med. These services simplify and improve everyday clinical practice. Cross-sectoral collaboration means care processes can be data-driven and made more efficient. Information gaps are no longer an issue in  administration. Quality of care and patient safety remain front and centre for all participating general practitioners, specialists, pharmacies, hospitals, health insurance providers, and other healthcare professionals. 

In addition, we offer service providers the Compassana Med Cockpit. This allows healthcare professionals to access and share patients' data with their consent - more easily and quickly than ever before. 

Compassana Fach-Services für Gesundheitsspezialisten ► Integrierte Versorgungsprozesse ✓ Wir von Compassana freuen uns über eine Kontaktaufnahme.

The advantages for me as a provider of outpatient care

  • I can send and receive messages to and from patients securely. The advantage for me: the technology uses proven solutions (HIN) and processes. It is possible to send secure and data protection-compliant communication via easy-to-use messaging platforms such as WhatsApp.
  • I don’t lose any time sending documents to or receiving them from patients. The advantage for me: I can respond better to the needs and disease developments of my patients. 
  • I can ask to be shown patients’ medication lists. These lists are automatically uploaded to the Compassana app and contain all prescribed and billed medications. The advantage for me: clarity for all parties involved is enhanced, patient safety and quality of care are improved – in particular for chronically ill patients and where several specialists are involved. 
Arzt untersucht Patientin

The advantages for me as a provider of inpatient care

  • The relevant health information for the patient is immediately available and I can communicate with patients via secure messaging. The advantage for me: I can make decisions more quickly regarding the necessary diagnostic and treatment measures, thus optimising hospital stays.
  • Thanks to Compassana, I can view the patient’s medication list. The advantage for me: the hospital admission process is streamlined and patient safety enhanced.
  • I can be better informed in discharging patients from hospital. The advantage for me: the risk of readmission to hospital is reduced. 


Contact us for more information about your opportunities and benefits with Compassana.